NZ Rope and Twine
NZ Duradan Ropes 3mm to 44mm Dia 110m or 220m PPE
NZ Duradan Ropes 3mm to 44mm Dia 110m or 220m PPE
3mm x 175kg BS / 220m / Green
Action Outdoors Shop
1/348 Rosebank Road
Auckland 1026
New Zealand
New Zealand High-quality PPE Ropes are better and stronger than Imported Polypropylene Ropes From 3mm to 44mm
PLEASE NOTE: Ropes 16mm x 220m and over Have to go Bulk Shipping / Via Mainfreight as they weigh over 25kg, which is the Maximum weight for Couriers
You will need to email for a shipping quote. Sales@actionoutdoors.kiwi
Duradan NZ Made Marine, Industrial Rope Available in a Huge Range Of Sizes and Lengths
This rope is widely used in all industries due to its excellent value and properties.
Used extensively in Fishing, Aquaculture, Boating, Trucking, Canvas, Industrial and Home applications.
Excellent all-purpose rope. Ranging in sizes from 3mm to 40mm.