Fishing Clips and Swivels
Selection Of Brass Nickel Swivels with and without Clips
Our sizes range from sizes 6 which is the smallest available through to 5-0 which is the biggest
Clips and Swivels
Action outdoors includes a wide variety of clips and swivels in our diverse range. Swivels are very important components of your fishing gear, and tackle box and play a vital role in allowing the object connected to the swivel to rotate vertically or horizontally with the help of the pivoting joint.
Swivels find their applications in both; light and heavy fishing. When placed between two parts they enable one part to revolve or rotate without having to turn the second part. Such characteristic behaviour requires them to have high breaking strengths for jigging etc. We stock these useful products in different types, sizes, and designs, to provide you with the perfect product.
By using swivels you can remarkably cut down the chances of twisting your line. These are also used to offer a link between two portions of the line. They are also important in-game fishing, where they twist along the water movement when you drop the line in deeper waters.
Action outdoors provides you with Nickel, Stainless Steel and brass swivels. This range includes one-way, two-way and three-way products which find separate applications ranging from inshore fishing to jigging and flying collar etc. They help you in joining the main line to the leader, this provides a link where additional line lengths can be connected.
Our variety includes various sizes to ensure the availability of the ideal products. We supply general-purpose swivels with a Brass barrel and interlock brass barrels. For tough jobs which require high breaking strains and greater strengths, we provide you with extra strong crane, coast lock and game fishing swivels.
We lay stress on quality and ensure the availability of top-notch accessories. This range includes items, all the way from Korea, to maintain the level of quality we promise. We stock Sea harvester branded items, which is a world-renowned brand.
Swivels find their application in avoiding the line from getting twisted, by allowing the movement. All these uses and characteristics make them compulsory parts of your gear.
We provide you with barrel brass swivels in a pack of 100 pieces while a much stronger three-way crane and coast lock in individual form.
These amazing products are enlisted in detail below.
• Swivel Barrel Brass:
Action outdoors provides its customers with barrel brass swivels which are great to have for general use. We stock barrel brass swivels in packets containing 100 pieces each. Barrel brass is perfectly suited for inshore fishing i.e. water depth up to 30m.
Barrel Brass offers a great product within its price range. It offers you great value for the money you spend on it. We also offer a variety of sizes on this line to equip you with barrel brass for both; light and heavy fishing. Its behaviour and design make it an ideal general-purpose item.
We also provide you with both; one-way and two-way side bait clips, these are ideal for attaching the bait to the whole set-up. We stock these amazing products from the world-renowned brand; Sea Harvester. Barrel brass is economical for use, especially when bought in bulk, these are available in a number of different sizes for matching your needs.
• Swivel Brass Barrel Interlock:
We also stock, Barrel Brass interlock swivel on this line. These are amazing products, great to use for general purposes. These products come in great variety to equip you with ideal products for light and heavy fishing. This is a must-have item, which completes your fishing gear.
We stock them as one-way side bait and two-way side bait. Their application involves use in attaching the bait to the whole setup.
Barrel brass interlocks are supplied to you all the way from Korea. They are known for their top quality. Action outdoors provides you with these amazing general-purpose accessories in packets containing 100 pieces each. These are great for having on your gear at very cheap prices making them easy on the pocket but efficient with their working. Characteristic attributes make them perfect for use in inshore fishing.
We stock these items in various different sizes, variety ensures their perfect use for light and heavy fishing, which involves their application.
• Crane Swivel Extra Strong:
If you’re looking for a product that can sustain high loads with ease. Crane is the thing for you. These are super strong products. Crane is recommended by experts for commercial use. They possess extra strength and have many advantages over a brass barrel, which lacks a crane in strength by a lot. Owing to great strength crane can also be used for deep water fishing.
We provide cranes in various sizes and breaking strains, this enables our customers to choose the ideal product for their use. Its performance under load is great and spins when put under huge loads.
In this range, we stock one-way, two-way and three-way cranes. Three-way cranes are ideal for tough jobs including; jigging, flying collar etc. These extra strong items are great for drift fishing. Crane are sold as individual items, we stock them with a rig diameter of 1.6mm.
• Swivel Coastlock:
Action outdoors makes sure you have the right tools for every tough job at hand. Cast lock helps you successfully accomplish toughest of the tasks. It leaves everyone behind in strength. These products are known for exceptional breaking strains.
With such high-breaking strains, you can give up your worries related to their breakage. Coast lock snap is a super-strong and high-breaking strength accessory, all these properties combine to form an ideal swivel to catch big fish.
If you’re looking for top-notch accessories, coast lock is ideal for you. It is the product of the highest quality. This range also includes items; one-way and two-way slide bait. These top-quality accessories are supplied to all the way from Korea.
Crane coast lock snap is available in different sizes to match your needs.
• Game Fishing Swivels:
Game fishing requires high strength and top-quality swivels. Action outdoors offers you a wide variety of these products with different manufacturing materials and sizes.
Variety among materials includes products in stainless steel, nickel and ball bearing. Brass Nickel swivels are available both; with and without clips.
Game fishing swivels are available in a variety of different sizes to match your requirements. A three-way in this range includes tough, high-breaking strain, top-quality products which are ideal to use in jigging, and flying collars. These products are supplied with a rig diameter of 3.0 mm. we sell these products as individual products.
Get all these amazing products from our range of clips and swivels at unbeatable prices, by placing your orders now. We will ship your favourite accessories to you in three days.
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4/0 Brass Barrel Swivels 100pcs
Sale price$47.00
Regular price$52.00