---- Shop address: 348 Rosebank Road, Avondale, Auckland 1026 New Zealand | 09 820 8023 ---- Closed on Waitangi Day (6 February) Open on 7th and 8th February
All of our chart plotters and fish finders are backed up by our comprehensive service department and genuine manufacturers' warranties.
GPS plotter and Sounders
GPS plotters, Chart plotters, and sounders are vital electronic accessories for any voyage. Collectively these items enhance your chances of catching fish, navigating through the waters, precisely locating the location of ideal fish presence etc.
Our GPS plotters present your current position; longitudes and latitudes to you in easy to understand way. You can also navigate safely using our plotters. These items are key in ensuring your safety and solving problems pertaining to surveillance and navigation.
Sounders in our electronic equipment range, help in locating positions where the maximum amount of fish reside. They perform this operation by detecting the reflecting sound pulses. This location thus results in enhancement of the number of fish, which you are going to catch.
We offer a wide variety of these items in our range, which ensures that our customers find sounders and GPS for all kinds of vessels they may own and any operation they may embark upon.
These goods are capable of detecting the slightest of the distortions due to their quality electronic configurations, hereby, helping you pass through the waters without any damage and also help in detecting signals for the presence of fish. Place your orders now and get your favourite items shipped to your doorsteps within three days.