Fishing Gimbal Belts and Harnesses designed to give the angler a mechanical advantage when lifting a heavy load
How It Works
Stand-up tackle is designed to give the angler a mechanical advantage when lifting a heavy load. The load is the fish, the rod is your lever and the point where the rod is attached to our body is the fulcrum. Our body weight is the force that we use to move the load through the fulcrum and lever. There are several other factors to take into account - such as the flex of the rod and the drag setting of the reel, but these are designed to provide a buffer or controlled release of pressure to prevent the fish breaking the line or tearing free through sudden movement or runs. Set-up properly the angler should be able to use his own weight to balance the weight on the other side of the fulcrum by expending little energy. This applies to putting force on a running fish or putting a load on the line to retrieve.
The Fighting Belt
Is the means by which we secure the base of the rod and spread the load or weight across our thighs. The belt consists of a pad which houses a cup into which we place the rod’s gimbal. The gimbal will have a slot that sits over the pin in the cup. The size of the pad will vary depending upon the class of the rod used. Lighter line classes e.g. 30lbs class will mean a smaller pad. The forces will be much higher when using heavy 80-130lbs class gear and the pad will be larger to spread the load evenly across your thighs. The pad is supported either using a belt around your waist or ideally, suspended from drop-straps attached to your harness. In either case, the set-up must be adjusted with the belt and harness in position and the angler holding the rod
Vist our retail store
348 Rosebank Road, Avondale, Auckland 1026
Open with main hours Monday 9 am - 5 pm Tuesday 9 am - 5 pm Wednesday 9 am - 5 pm Thursday 9 am - 5 pm Friday 9 am - 5 pm Saturday 9 am - 3 pm Sunday 9 am - 12 pm