Trojan Trailer Brakes Systems
Brake Disc Rotors Cast Iron Or SS
Trailer Brake Hoses & Parts
Trojan Disc Brake Calipers
Trojan Operating Equipment
Trailer Brakes Featured Products
Disc Brake Calipers - Trojan offers a range of Cast iron and stainless steel hydraulic disc brake calipers to cover all light trailer applications. This allows the user to select the correct product for their particular application.
Disc Brake Calipers Pads and Parts - A range of brake pads, guide pins, and bolts
Brake Hoses - Hydraulic brake hoses from standard rubber, stainless braided, copper tubing, and bundy tubing
Braking Systems - Brake controller for hydraulic and electric trailer brakes, Carlisle hydrastar and Teckonsha models
Operating Equipment - Braking cable kits, guides, adjusters and the Exsalt brake and hub cleaning system
Disc Rotors
Trailcom is the home of Trojan branded trailer products with New Zealand’s largest range of genuine Trojan trailer components and trailer spare parts.
Find out more about our products and where to get them. You can browse our online catalogue or use the search tools to find out what you are looking for.
Trailcom has been offering quality products into the NZ and export markets for over 30 years for all trailering needs, we don’t make trailers but provide a one-stop location for all the components to help you build a quality trailer.
Products include Axles & suspensions, braking, couplings, hardware and security, Hubs and Drums, Jockey wheels and stands, Lighting and electrical, tow balls and towing aids. Whether you are a home handy-person building a trailer or a commercial trailer manufacturer Trailcom has all your component needs covered. We continue to listen to our customers to develop ongoing products which you can also see here from time to time.