---- Shop address: 348 Rosebank Road, Avondale, Auckland 1026 New Zealand | 09 820 8023 ---- Closed on Waitangi Day (6 February) Open on 7th and 8th February
Action Outdoors Offers award-winning Radars to keep you and your crew alert for anything above water.
Perfect for when you are blue water boating, close to shore or in a marina,
Our range of Radars will show you exactly what is around you.
Our range of radars includes 3G & 4G Broadband Radars to suit larger trailer boats, launches and sailing yachts and larger HALO radars for large motor yachts and commercial vessels.
Small Boat Marine Radar
Marine electronics range is incomplete without an efficient Marine radar, which is why we offer a wide range of small boat marine items for all kind of vessels you may own.
Marine radars, which we stock to fulfil safety, navigation and surveillance needs of yours come from top renowned brands including; Simrad and Lowrance branded products.
We offer these accessories for all kinds of vessels including; small, large, trailer boats we also host these accessories for motor yachts. This wide range of ours ensures the availability of radar for every requirement and vessel of yours.
We also provide you with a wide variety of broadband namely; 3G and 4G. These broad bands work wonders with larger trailer boats, yachts etc.
These products keep you updated of any happenings underwater r on the surface. We also provide our customers with large HALO radars which are ideal for motor yachts. The main idea of keeping you aware remain the same, which these branded products achieve from innovation, which is embedded in their designs.
These Simrad and Lowrance branded items for your vessels are of utmost importance because they are responsible for ensuring a safe journey on your outdoor adventures.
Our products under this range ensure that you are kept alert and are aware of any distortion in the sea.