Rezoning of South-East Marine Park Network Threatens Local Flake Supply
Gippsland, Victoria – 6 March, 2025
The Southern Shark Industry Alliance (SSIA) is disillusioned by the outcome of the recent review of the 18-year-old South-East Marine Park Network.
However, Liberal Senator for Tasmania, Richard Colbeck’s disallowance motion throws a lifeline to shark fishers and seafood consumers. The motion means that the next Government will be able to decide if the south-east needs even more marine parks.
SSIA represents stakeholders in the Commonwealth-managed Gillnet, Hook and Trap Fishery, which is the primary supplier of local 'flake' (gummy shark) to south-east fish and chip shops. Friday night flake and chips remains a cost-effective family staple in south-east Australia.
SSIA issued a press release in December advising that it was working constructively with offshore wind energy developers to find ways for both industries to co-exist. SSIA explained that fishing could only survive offshore wind if the Illawarra wind zone was not developed and there were no new marine parks around the 23,000km² of wind zones already declared in the shark fishery.
The Australian Labor Government’s decision to ignore that constructive proposal was a slap in the face for people living in regional coastal areas in Gippsland and seafood consumers.
SSIA is particularly concerned about new fishing lockouts at the Beagle Marine Park. If Labor implements these it will lead to lower catch rates and higher prices for fish and chips. Most seafood consumed in Australia is imported so more marine parks means more imports.
52% of Australia’s marine estate is already managed under marine parks. Almost all shark fishing grounds in eastern Bass Strait are already under marine park management or carry an offshore wind overlay (see map). 12 offshore wind developments are planned in Gippsland with more expected off northern Tasmania.
For more information contact Simon Boag, Executive Officer SSIA 0428-141591.
The Southern Shark Industry Alliance (SSIA) represents quota owners, fishers and processors in the Commonwealth managed Gillnet, Hook and Trap fishery. The main catch is gummy shark also known as flake.
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