---- Shop address: 348 Rosebank Road, Avondale, Auckland 1026 New Zealand | 09 820 8023 ---- Closed on Waitangi Day (6 February) Open on 7th and 8th February
A 406 MHz distress beacon when activated in a life-threatening situation, alert life-threatening and assists them to locate those in distress.
How do 406 MHz distress beacons work?
When a 406 MHz distress beacon is activated it transmits a digital signal that can be detected by a series of stationary and orbiting satellites called the Cospas-Sarsat satellite system. These satellites listen for any active beacons and report the beacon position to the appropriate rescue authorities.
Beacons developed for Cospas-Sarsat operate on the 406 MHz frequency and use digital technology to transmit a unique code (Hex ID or UIN) which enables the rescue authorities to identify the beacon. The beacon will also transmit on the 121.5 MHz frequency. This signal can be picked up by overflying aircraft and is primarily used by rescuers to "home in" on the beacon's location.
The Cospas-Sarsat satellites provide a close estimate of the beacon position which can be used to send rescuers into the right region and then the 121.5 homing frequency can be used to guide the rescuers to the exact beacon position.
Some of the distress beacons also have the ability to transmit their GPS position which provides rescue authorities with a much more accurate position fix for the beacon.
Why do I need to register my 406 MHz distress beacon?
Registration of 406 MHz distress beacons is a legal requirement in New Zealand.
Registration is free and can result in a more efficient search and rescue effort. Digital 406 MHz distress beacons transmit a unique code that identifies a particular beacon when it is activated.
A registered 406 MHz beacon will allow the Rescue Coordination Centre New Zealand to access the registration database and find contact details for the owner of the beacon, details of registered vessels, aircraft or vehicles where the beacon is used, and details of your nominated emergency contacts who may be contacted if the beacon is activated.
These emergency contacts may be able to provide valuable information to the Rescue Coordination Centre that can assist with a more expedient rescue.
Open with main hours Monday 9 am - 5 pm Tuesday 9 am - 5 pm Wednesday 9 am - 5 pm Thursday 9 am - 5 pm Friday 9 am - 5 pm Saturday 9 am - 3 pm Sunday Closed