Sabiki Rigs For Piper,Bait, Snapper,Tarakihi,Gurnard,Kahawai.
A sabiki rig, sometimes called a piscatore rig, is a set of small lures typically used to catch fish that eat small prey.
A sabiki is typically fished off boats, piers, jetties, or any structure over the water.
Sabikis consist of any number (usually between 6 and 10) of small hooks, each one on an individual dropper line which are a few inches long.
The individual dropper lines are then tied to a longer leader in series, about 6 inches apart; a weight is tied to the end of the leader.
The individual hooks are decorated as lures or tied like flies similar to those used in fly fishing.
Often they have a simple piece of metallic or iridescent film attached to them.
On any individual rig all of the lures will be identical.
The type or size sabiki used depends on water conditions, species of fish sought or simply the angler's preference.
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348 Rosebank Road, Avondale, Auckland 1026
Open with main hours Monday 9 am - 5 pm Tuesday 9 am - 5 pm Wednesday 9 am - 5 pm Thursday 9 am - 5 pm Friday 9 am - 5 pm Saturday 9 am - 3 pm Sunday Closed