6 Man Plastimo Transocean Liferaft > 24HR - Action Outdoors Kiwi
6 Man Plastimo Transocean Liferaft > 24HR - Action Outdoors Kiwi
6 Man Plastimo Transocean Liferaft > 24HR - Action Outdoors Kiwi

Absolute Marine

6 Man Plastimo Transocean Liferaft > 24HR

Online Sales only - Sent directly from NZ supplier (not avaiable in store)
Sale price$4,890.00 Regular price$5,000.00
Sold out

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SKU: 52389

Sent from NZ Supplier (4-7 Days)

6 Man Plastimo Transocean Liferaft - Designed for six people to survive for periods greater than 24 Hours.

6 Man Plastimo Transocean Liferaft BACKORDER

Transocean ISO 9650-1

They are designed for six people to survive for periods greater than 24 Hours.

Transocean ISO 9650-1 also features a ballasted reversible ladder and grab handle to ease embarking. This system allows the victim to hoist himself on the ladder and then topple easily into the raft.

Should the liferaft inflate upside down, the boarding ladder simply reverts to allow the victim to pull himself onto the capsized liferaft and make it easier to turn over the raft in its natural position.

Pacific Ocean blue water liferaft, designed for extreme conditions: large capacity and quantity of ballast pockets, large drogue anchor, -15°C inflation temp. (group A), double insulating floor, fluro orange canopy with automatically erecting arch tube, 4.3 cd. Outside light and retro-reflecting stripes.

Manufactured in France

Comprehensive 18-year warranty for peace of mind

  • Canister Dimensions: 80 x 50 x 33 cm
  • Weight: 53 kg

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