6 Step Battery Charger 12V 0.8A - Action Outdoors Kiwi


6 Step Battery Charger 12V 0.8A

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CTEKXS 0.8 6 Step Battery Charger 12V 0.8A - Maintenance Pulse Charging Increases Battery Life and Gives Superb Performance

CTEKXS 0.8 - 6 Step Battery Charger 12V 0.8A


  • Six steps, fully automatic switch mode model.
  • Charges lead-acid batteries -Wet, MF, GEL and AGM- from 1.2Ah to 32Ah.
  • Maintenance charging for batteries from 1.2Ah to 100Ah.
  • Maintenance pulse charging increases battery life and gives superb performance.
  • Charges even drained batteries up to 32AH.
  • Pulse recovery of slightly sulphated batteries.
  • Low back current drain, low ripple and input voltage independent -170-260V.
  • High-efficiency of 85percent
  • Delivered with two interchangeable connection leads, one with clamps and one with eyelet terminals.
  • The charger can be connected for months, which is ideal for seasonal vehicles.
  • Compact design with mounting holes for permanent assembly.
  • 5-year warranty.

The Charging Six-Steps Process is Fully Automatic

1. De-sulphation

Runs a complete charge cycle within a fraction of a second. The cycle repeats during the whole de-sulphation phase. Every cycle recovers some lead sulphate into useful material.

2. Bulk

Charging where 80 per cent of the energy is returned. The charger delivers a constant current until the battery voltage has reached the set level.

3. Absorption

The final part of the charge is up to 100 per cent. The battery voltage is kept constant at the set level, during which time the current drops gradually.

4. Analyse

via a short intermission in the charge cycle where the charger analyses the voltage drop and tests the self-discharge. The voltage of a defective battery will quickly drop. The charge cycle will be stopped with a warning indication if the voltage drops to 12.6V in 2 minutes.

5. Float

Float is maintenance charge at a constant voltage, keeping the batteries at 100 per cent charge. In normal charging mode, the float is time-limited (max ten days), while supply mode goes on indefinitely.

6. Pulse

Maintenance charging. The state of charge varies between 95 and 100 per cent. A pulse is sent out to the battery if the voltage drops. This keeps the battery in trim when not in use. The charger can be connected for months at a time.

Using the XS 800 gives your battery optimum service life and operational reliability.

The XS 0.8 is easy to use. You do not need to make any settings. The charger adopts the charge to suit the battery and switches to pulse maintenance charging when the battery is fully charged.

NZ Code: CTEKXS0.8