Piper Nets With 0.35mm Mono Nylon mesh 1.25inch Size 50md x 10m 15m 20m 25m 30m 40m 60m or Longer.
Piper Bait Nets 1-1/4inch mesh 50 meshes deep
Clear Mesh
Top Rope - 6mm
Lead Core Bottom Rope - 6mm
Mesh Dia 0.35mm
They are used for Piper / Yellow Eye Mullet in NZ and other small fish in the Pacific Islands.
Piper Nets are used for yellow-eye mullets in New Zealand and other small fish in the Pacific Islands.
These nets are available in different lengths - 10m, 20m, 30m, 40m and 60m metres.
Custom-made nets for a longer length are also available.
Please email us if you need a custom order. Thank you for choosing us!